Thursday, December 23, 2010

Two kinds of Gay people..

I have always believed their are two kinds of Gay individuals.. I would detail both below:

Type 1 are guys who are born gay. They are Gay at heart. Sensitive, Soft, Emotional, Feminine and Affectionate. these are usually bottoms during sex. Bruno character was Type 1.

Type 2 are guys who want to be gay. They are gay at dick. Others are usually shocked when these type of gay people come out in open. Because others know they are in it just for sex.

I respect type 1 but dont for Type B.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Micheal Jackson,,,, there will be nooone else like you..

I was in my room with three other friends of mine, we all are stoned, and just before smoking the last puff, I said.. 'Hey, do you guys actually realize that its almost more than a year since Micheal Jackson died???!!!'

And all of them were like 'WTF!!!' One said 'I thought he dies next month!! ' Another one said 'No, no I remember it was 3 months back, but not a whole year as he claims!!' And than the third stoned one said: 'Dude, guys, chillax, focus on music!!, cos saw micheal jacksons's funeraele live yersterday on nbc live. So he dies yesterday not a year back u dumwit, fuc the media!! Wohoo!!!'

Help is on the way..

I am 25, I started smoking cigs from 14 yrs old, I started inhaling from 17Yrs ol... caused me to lose all my weight, became skinny, than got started with taking sleeping pill when i was 20, every night, caused me to be anxious, anxiety prob;em, and short term memory loss... so now i had four problems with me , sleepneslessness (insomania), anxiety, short term memory loss, lost weight.

Than I dropped sleeping pills, dropped cigs and started smoking marijuana,,, it increased my appetite, i ate more and gained back my lost weight by smokinh tobaco, it helped me sleep so i stopped taking sleeping pill, which in turn helped me lose my short term memory loss and i can remember more now, weed made me calm and lose my anxiety problem. so with one medecine i killed all four of my ills caused by taking prescirbed subscribtions from these so called doctors expert in medical feild. fiuck the medical feids!!

Deserted Train Station, Asian Girls and Middle Aged Uncle..

So I was at this dark, deserted LIRR Train Station at middle of the night, nooone else besides me, suddenly than this middle aged White Couple walks in, they must be in their 50s.. wife goes to vending machine to buy tickets and husband stands behind her watching her back...

And than came these four cute Japanese girls.. 18-19 years old.. they put their Digital Camera on the window edge right next the White uncle looking at what these girls are trying to do? Three girls take their position some few feet away from camera and fourth one clicks some Auto button and runs back to the girlie group. And lol than the camera starts flashing every 3 secs non-stop and all these four girls starts jumping in air, making poses like touching each other ass, grabbing boobs, giving flying kiss to camera .. all four of them together.,. lol.. it was hilarious.

But what was more hilarious was the stunned look on the White uncle's face.. he was seriously like 'WTF?!' lol.. and after few minutes that WTF face slowly melted into something else which said like: 'Aww I wish I had daughters like these girls, or I wish I was as happy as these girls.'

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Some pics from my Workplace...

Well I haven't been smoking much Weed these days, largely because I dont feel the need for it right now and have been very busy with my work... So I thought maybe I can post some pics from my Workstation to share.. Its FX Markets.. instrument is Euro and I have a running sell position on it which I took minutes before taking these pics. :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weed qoutes...

'So I just started wearing this Invisalign tooth braces for the first time, just like 6 hours ago... and all this past 6 hours I feel like have a lump of plastic inside my mouth.. than I smoked one Kaliforniya Dizel and than 'lump of plastic' tastes and feels like chocolate in my mouth.'

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Stash Box.

Large Cone shaped joint on Pre-Coned RAW cups, made usually by my Korean Housemate. She loves to make it using all the accessories from my Stash box:

Box itself:

Inside of the box with cabins and stuff.. front end slides back for more space.. but it is still a small box:

On your right is a Matchbox size Digital Scale, in middle the blue thing is a Cig Roller and on left is a mini-microscope to look at weed at high resolution or something:

Box closed:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My New Roor's Bong.

Its a very good instrument to smoke from, but I had to practice for two days and wasted like atleast 15 bucks of green to completely understand how to smoke Bong properly. Its a cool instrument, I fill it with Ice on top and chilled water at bottom, really makes all the heat from smoke go away.

And the last pic is actually a big chunk of Kush I found which looked exactly like a Bunny Rabbit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Waiting for my Stash Box.

I bought this neat Stash Box online which is being shipped to me from UK. I can't wait for it to come to my place, will upload pics when it arrives.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Biggest 20 buck bag.


Look at the sizw of that, and I already loaded one from that bag before, it was stuffed to its mouth.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My New Crusher!!

Here are some pics of the new Crusher I bought yesterday from a local Smoke Shop.. it full of fresh, green, crushed, mint condition buddies ready to be smoked:

About my Supplier..

I think I should write somethings about my Supplier who gives Weed to me and Introduce him to you people here too. He deserves a place here too. So here it goes:

Well to start off he likes to call himself "P".. thats it, I don't know his name yet.. he is hispanic.. this other day when I bought a 100 worth green from him after meeting him in a Pub, he decided to drop me back home since it was close by, so we walked to his car and I noticed he had baby seat at the back of his car, so I asked him if he has a kid.. and he said his GF has one.. I was like wtf your GF has a kid? Since when? And are you his father? He told me how he was going out with this girl for like last nine years, and when he first met her, this kid was only 4 months old.. so he knew she has a kid but still decided to go out with her, and for next nine years! Now that's what I call commitment and love. He is a nice person, although I suspect sometimes he gives me less for more money.

Anyways later we got into discussion about how "Lorenzo" is the best name for a kid to have one, how good 'Lorenzo' sounds when we say it and than we agreed their should be a flower which should be named 'Lorenzo' like Daffodil, Rose, Lilly... and Lorenzo flower..'Can I get a bunch of Lorenzo flowers please?'

Project Sniff...

I have this project, where I give a bag of Weed to unsuspecting open minded friends of mine, I ask them to smell and than describe me how it smells.. these are some interesting things they said:

1. I gave it to this girl from China, she is 22 years old and very talkative and lively in nature, and she said: Like a flower.. It smells like a Flower!

2. Korean Guy: It smells like a giant Ferry Wheel in Micheal Jackson's Neverland Ranch. He smoked his first bud few minutes before saying this to me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just a Thought..

One of my best friends is from Nanjing, China.. And he takes immense pride in being from there. He often tells me, how Beijing is only the recent capital and Nanjing has always been the Capital city of China.. And Nanjing actually even today is so much better than Beijing if you go and see it.

So I got curious to know more about it and did a search on Wiki.. my favorite search engine.. and what I found most was the Rape and Killing in Nanjing during WW2. I wonder why he never mentioned about it to me, because few months later when I mention how he took real pride in being from Nanjing to one of my other close Chinese friend, the first thing she mentioned me was how the 'Freaks' from Japan raped whole city of Nanjing during WW2. It was heartbreaking. And I said to her 'YA YA!!! I read about it on internet, I know it, but he, who is from Nanjing always hide it from me, he never says it to me or talk about it with anybody!'

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Message sent to me.. about this blog, from my good friend.

He sent it to me on FB:

"Do your parents a favor!!
Atleast dont highlight ur weed blog on facebook, coz if any one of ur cousins (female ones specially, coz they are oh so unaware bout the magic of weed) gets to see this and the news breaks out. Ur parents wud be seen running around finding a pillar to hide behind, before everybody in ur bloody family (distant and close) wud quiz them about it. Apart from this it would also expose wat u actually do there in US, and pretty much become a black spot on ur 'US educated' badge, and take away the useless charisma we knowingly attach to u guys. You ll lose all that, so have fun, but dont be a big DICK in ur head!!!
Keep rolling....u know what!"


Jaded janitor, fades away.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 1: Document your flight!

This is what I drew on my 'High-Man!!' Comic book one day I will get published.

I was prepared. Everything I need all in one place. No money spared!!

My stash for tonite, I already did half bag few minutes before taking this pic.. I dont hit all the time, but when i hit it, I want it to be complete, to feel complete

Here is one, burning smooth:

In the end it starts smelling of Sandalwood burning slowly in sweet early morning mist of deep Pine Forests.

Introduction: Chapter 1


I am high on weed right now, lighting is dim like morning sunrise, but its only 11PM, music is good, loud and clear, adn I am HIGH!!

This pretty much explains this whole blog.
